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Members Present at Ring of Scale on September 10, 2018
Added By: aluane Updated By: N/A
Note: 7- 21:30-21:39 (22:30-22:39 CET) - FINAL SNAP GOLD Value: 2.00

AaragonnDrewieOndsintZzizzZzzz ZuusZzzz-mizarZzzz-tankpawZzzzmesil
ActaelElrusionPhartosZzz- BlackjawZzzz-belluenZzzz-murrinZzzz-tealenaZzzzshadisar
BaloghFrodericSanaeZzz-sheqZzzz-firepawzZzzz-samuiZzzz-zerkuZzzzz Chandra
BlaastemHsishiSarrynZzzz DazeZzzz-fistandantiZzzz-schalimarZzzzalarineZzzzz Cindane
CokkieJarasilSuriZzzz KhenZzzz-ismelZzzz-seibasZzzzastralwizZzzzz-canadwen
DablubbKardinYinlaZzzz PardZzzz-katercatZzzz-stevnecZzzzeliniZzzzztanith
DaktarrMohanZaphZzzz RokaniZzzz-mewjusZzzz-swordweaverZzzzgorfdoZzzzzzzz-mistfalcon
... found 72 attendee(s)

Buyer Item Spent
Zzzz-belluen Earring of Swirling Strength 100.00
Mohan Earring of Swirling Strength 100.00
Zzz-sheq Blade of Caleus 60.00
Kardin Scaleborn Pants Facet 140.00
Zzzzmesil Scaleborn Gloves Facet 105.00
Zzz-sheq Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzz-rathof Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzz-kuler Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzz Khen Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzz-firepawz Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Charla Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzz-samui Greater Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 40.00
Zzzz-murrin Greater Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 40.00
Jolene Median Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 30.00
Zzz-santrigan Lesser Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 25.00
Zzz-sheq Rings of Scale 10.00
Zzz-santrigan Rings of Scale 10.00
Zzz-sheq Shredded Death's Drape 60.00
Zzzz-zerku Scaleborn Cap Facet 150.00
Zzz-pondorra Scaleborn Pants Facet 100.00
Zzzz Zuus Shield of the Sebilisian Phalanx 10.00
Phartos Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzz-firepawz Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Fidden Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzzventanus Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzz-sheq Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzizz Flawless Conflagrant Diamond 5.00
Zzzz-poser Glowing Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 90.00
Zzzz-stevnec Glowing Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 90.00
Fidden Greater Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 50.00
Zzzzzzzz-mistfalcon Greater Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 50.00
Zzz- Blackjaw Minor Marked Symbol of the Ring of Scale 5.00
Daktarr Di`Zok Cloth Robe Ornament 10.00
Sarryn Scaleborn Cap Facet 210.00
Zzzz-poser Ancient Malevolent Runeblade 5.00
Zzzz-nekkroh Aegis of Authority 150.00
Zzzz-felrynn Aegis of Authority 150.00
... found 72 drop(s)

Class Distribution
Class Percent Attendees
3 (4%)
Zzzzz Chandra, Zzzz-belluen, Zzzz-poser,
2 (3%)
Zzz- Blackjaw, Purrfection,
7 (10%)
Cokkie, Mohan, Aluane, Zaph, Zzzzgorfdo, Zzzzalarine, Zzzzshadisar,
9 (13%)
Dablubb, Zzzz Pard, Zzzz-rathof, Zzzz Daze, Sanae, Froderic, Zzzz Khen, Zzzz-swordweaver, Sarryn,
7 (10%)
Hsishi, Zzzz-mizar, Suri, Feochadan, Fidden, Balogh, Zzzz Rokani,
9 (13%)
Jarasil, Kardin, Zzzz-seibas, Zzzzventanus, Zzzz-schalimar, Zzzz-febora, Zzzzz-canadwen, Zzzz-felrynn, Angely,
4 (6%)
Zzzzmesil, Zzzz-stevnec, Ondsint, Zzz-santrigan,
5 (7%)
Zzzz-mewjus, Zzzz Zuus, Elrusion, Actael, Zzzzsinyinae,
4 (6%)
Zzzz-murrin, Zzzz-wildaanie, Drewie, Zzzzz Cindane,
Shadow Knight
2 (3%)
Zzzzztanith, Zzzz-tankpaw,
8 (11%)
Zzzz-tealena, Ragbert, Zzzzelini, Yinla, Aaragonn, Blaastem, Daktarr, Zzzzastralwiz,
4 (6%)
Zzizz, Zzzzzzzz-mistfalcon, Zzzz-wevz, Zzzz-zerku,
2 (3%)
Phartos, Zzz-sheq,
2 (3%)
Zzzz-samui, Zzzz-firepawz,
3 (4%)
Zzzz-fistandanti, Zzzz-ismel, Zzz-pondorra,
1 (1%)

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